Elevation Global Media Group
"Your Voice Of Truth"
A 21st Century Global Media Group with a clear focus for social impact. Elevating your voice on air waves and platforms around the world. Helping you to realize how powerful your voice is. Bringing our viewers and listeners the Good News . We will be bringing you the best for your audio and visual creation. Sharpening your words to cause change and transformation to the hearer's life. Inspiration, faith, empowerment, hope, dignity, encouragement and purpose to all that hear.
Hearing God Speak
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

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Our Mission:
To hear the cry of the land and be God's voice of truth throughout the world.
(2 Corinthians 6:7. Now with the voice of truth and power of God - armed on the right and armed on the left with righteousness from God - we continue.)
Our Values
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Excellence is what we strive for
Loyalty is the glue that holds us together
Encourage one another daily
Value Everyone's Opinion
Attitude have a great one
Trust your team members
Everyone Matters
Our Vision
The Elevation Talk Show, Elevation Rewind and the Elevate Your Life Tour platforms provide necessary resources to help and encourage others to reach their God given potential, goals and abilities. We Model & teach this by standing on the word of God for biblical truths in every part of our life. We come together to establish with attainable solutions. Our platform consist of people of all ages, community leaders, business owners, ministry leaders and subject matter experts from all over the world. EGMG is a platform of love wisdom, inspiration, celebration and empowerment for everyone.
Our Services We Provide
Below are the services Elevation Global Media Group provides to help you move your vision.